
In odd numbered years Pacific Masters is required to hold elections for our Pacific Masters officers at our annual meeting. This year we will hold our elections at our Annual Celebration and Meeting on November 12, 2023. Per our BYLAWS, a nominating subcommittee is formed and presents a list of at least one nominee for each office at the Pacific Masters Committee meeting prior to the Annual Meeting, Our bylaws also allow for additional nominations.

The 2023 Pacific Masters nominating subcommittee will present this year's candidates at our September 20, 2023 monthly meeting. The candidates will also be posted on our website on September 18 and listed in the next enews UPDATE published October 2.

If, after the publication of our 2023 candidates, a Pacific Masters member wishes to make an additional nomination for one of the elected positions, they may do so as a floor nomination at the Annual Meeting following the guidelines listed in the BYLAWS (reproduced below) and present them to the chair onsite at the beginning of the Annual Meeting activities (8 am, November 12). While these floor nominations are allowed per our bylaws, we encourage interested candidates to contact the chair ASAP so that we can prepare and run a smooth election.

103.5.5.D. Additional nominees shall be accepted at the Annual Meeting upon nomination by two (2) individual members of Pacific Masters Swimming and written consent of the nominee(s).

Nancy Ridout announcing the candidates